giovedì 27 dicembre 2012

London memories

Last night I couldn't sleep for some unknown reason, maybe because I have eaten too much in the last few days or maybe bacause I have watched "The Vampire Diaries" until 1.30 A.M., but, well, I just couldn't fall asleep. So I turned on the PC and I started looking some old photos until I found last summer's ones and  something moved into my stomach. I miss that time too much. Last July I travelled to London with some friends for a school vacation. We stayed there for two weeks and maybe those have been the best two weeks of my life. I was with my best friend and with my two crazy roommates and we had lot of fun, running away from our master when he took us to a museum or having some crazy shopping afternoon near Piccadilly. I think we have been to Abercrombie something like 20 times.
In the hotel we usually didn't go to bed before 3 A.M. We passed the time running in the hallways, waking up the other peolpe knocking on their doors, meeting the other guys. Once we met three awesome guys from Jersey and we sang togheter all night long, but in the morning they had to leave and we had forgotten to ask them their surnames (for facebook) or their phone numbers so we lost them. I still remember their names and their cute smiles :)
We also had some "adventures" with four amazing australian guys, a creepy turkish who feel in love with one of my roommates, and some sweet french - while the franch girls for some unknown reason hated us -

I have many other stories, but they are too long and I don't want to become boring,
I'd like to post some photos I took in London or in the weekend we passed in Brighton, maybe I'll do it later.
For now, I say goodbye:)
See ya, Mo'

mercoledì 19 dicembre 2012

Random band

Ok, yesterday I was chilling on youtube, searching for some interesting and unknown band that could capture my actention. Some month ago in this way I found the "nevershoutnever" and I loved them from the moment I heard just one song, I think it was "Can't stand it", actually my favourite is  Simple Enough. However, I opened some video randomly and BAM, I found an incredible band, the Sleeping with Sirens. Seriously, I think they are great. Their lycrics are full of emotion and feelings, Kellin has got a beautiful voice - even in live shows- and, well, he is damn HOT. I'm trying to learn if I'm James Dean you're Audrey Hepbourne with the acustic guitar, but I'm not very good so I don't think it will work. Maybe I should just sing.
What do you think about SWS? Or, what's your favourite band?
Let me know

martedì 18 dicembre 2012


And for the first time I can hear your heart beating. I know it's yours, I can feel it, louder than the screams, louder than the music. I know because it beats with mine, pushed by the low rumbling on walls. Same music, same air, same stink of sweat. We are part of the same mass of screaming bodies looking for some way to escape the outside world. "I love you" I scream to you, I scream but you will never hear me, I scream because I have to get out this of my bleeding heart. "I love you, stupid, beautiful, incredible idiot"

Sunday morning

On sunday morning I usually have breakfast with my best friend. The same bar, the same coffe, the same chocolate muffin. It's like a ritual for catching sunday boredom.
But last sunday we messed up and Now I miss him so much. I feel like I'm losing him and I really don't want to.
I'm posting some photos of some sundays ago, one of our perfect mornings. Hope you will enjoy.

mercoledì 12 dicembre 2012


Today is 12.12.12, someone told me that is such a special day because it will not happen again before 989 years. Someone says it's a luky day, other that it will be unluky. Someone think today the world will end.
But I just think that it's a unique day and we can't waste it. Come on, text that person you want so bad, kiss who the fuck you want, take your Pikachù and go to catch Mew Two, do all that you never had enough courage to do. Make this day special, even more than it actually is.
What will I do? Well, I don't know yet. Id' like to do many things, but for now i'm sitting on the couch watching "The Dreamers" for the first time and trying not to eat 'cause I'm too fat and in a few days it will be the "Christmas party" in my school and I can't afford being fat or ugly. Seriously, I...I can't.
Just for that night I will be good enough for someone.

domenica 9 dicembre 2012

Rome - 1st day

Rome - Hidden shops and beautiful barman

So, the weekend is finished and I'm at home again, writing on Blogger for the first time from my pc and not from the Iphone. The journey have been great. Rome was beautiful like always and its streets, with Christmas lights everywhere, had that wonderful magic that only Christmas can gave. Such a romantic thing.
I found a great clothes shop in a little and hide street, one of that "we've got only one piece of everything", and i bought things for, humm, 200 euro I think. Yeah, a little crazy, but there were incredible clothes.
Then I found GAP, Hollister and many other shops. My wardrobe now is full.
And yes, if you are wondering it, I had a "trip-crush". So if you, yes you who are reading this, are a beautiful guy who works in a bar near Piazza di Spagna, blonde, tall, and with an amazing smile, just know that I fell in love with you from the moment you gave me the best chocolate cookie of my life. Ok, I'm joking, but, you know, he was very very beautiful.
I'm gonna post some photos later, for now it's a goodbye.
Just one question: have you ever had a "trip-crush"? I wanna hear your stories. text me something!
See you later, bye!
Au revouir!
(Yes, I used google translate for the goodbyes)

venerdì 7 dicembre 2012

Playlist on the road

Foster the peolpe - Pumped up kicks
Asaf Avidan - One day
Carly Rae Jepsen ft. Owl city - Good times
Coldplay - Hurts like heaven
Bruno Mars - Locked out of heaven
Never shout never - Big city dreams
Sleeping with sirens - If you can't hang
The xx - VCR
One Republic - Good life
Lou Reed - Take a walk on the wild side
Of monsters and men - Little talks
Simple plan - Jet leg
All time low - weight less
Grouplove - Slow


Good morning everyone ✌
Mo' is here, bored in the car on the way to Rome. Rome, Caput Mundi, the immortal city. I think it's one of the most beautiful city in the world. And you? Have you ever been in Rome? And what do you think? Let me know :)
I'll post something later, see you.
Mo' xx

giovedì 6 dicembre 2012


Hi guys, what's up?
Here is Mo', an italian girl only 15 truly in love with music and photography. I'm just an ordinary girl. I don't really care very much about school; I think too much; I still hope anything can happen; I'm in love with an idiot and nobody knows the real me. Oh, I'm trying to implove my english so sorry if I make some mistakes. So,   I hope you will read me. See you soon with another post, Mo'.