mercoledì 19 dicembre 2012

Random band

Ok, yesterday I was chilling on youtube, searching for some interesting and unknown band that could capture my actention. Some month ago in this way I found the "nevershoutnever" and I loved them from the moment I heard just one song, I think it was "Can't stand it", actually my favourite is  Simple Enough. However, I opened some video randomly and BAM, I found an incredible band, the Sleeping with Sirens. Seriously, I think they are great. Their lycrics are full of emotion and feelings, Kellin has got a beautiful voice - even in live shows- and, well, he is damn HOT. I'm trying to learn if I'm James Dean you're Audrey Hepbourne with the acustic guitar, but I'm not very good so I don't think it will work. Maybe I should just sing.
What do you think about SWS? Or, what's your favourite band?
Let me know

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